Drag'%3e %3cpath d='M801 575C801 699.264 700.04 800 575.5 800C450.96 800 350 699.264 350 575C350 450.736 450.96 350 575.5 350C700.04 350 801 450.736 801 575Z' fill='%23FFDD00'/%3e %3c/g%3e %3cdefs%3e %3cfilter id='filter0_df_4014_178052' x='0' y='0' width='1151' height='1150' filterUnits='userSpaceOnUse' color-interpolation-filters='sRGB'%3e %3cfeFlood flood-opacity='0' result='BackgroundImageFix'/%3e %3cfeColorMatrix in='SourceAlpha' type='matrix' values='0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0' result='hardAlpha'/%3e %3cfeOffset dy='1.66516'/%3e %3cfeGaussianBlur stdDeviation='0.832579'/%3e %3cfeComposite in2='hardAlpha' operator='out'/%3e %3cfeColorMatrix type='matrix' values='0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0'/%3e %3cfeBlend mode='normal' in2='BackgroundImageFix' result='effect1_dropShadow_4014_178052'/%3e %3cfeBlend mode='normal' in='SourceGraphic' in2='effect1_dropShadow_4014_178052' result='shape'/%3e %3cfeGaussianBlur stdDeviation='175' result='effect2_foregroundBlur_4014_178052'/%3e %3c/filter%3e %3c/defs%3e %3c/svg%3e)
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Touch the stars. Roost with eagles. The sky is no longer the limit when you have an extraordinary 125x optical zoom. Capture sharp photos and videos of subjects that were out of reach�until now.
Technical Specifications
TypeCompact digital camera
Effective pixels16.0 million (Image processing may reduce the number of effective pixels.)
Image sensor1/2.3-in. type CMOS, total pixels: approx. 16.79 million
LensNIKKOR lens with 125x optical zoom
Focal length4.3 to 539 mm (angle of view equivalent to that of 24 to 3000 mm lens in 35 mm [135] format)
F-numberf/2.8 to 8
Lens construction17 elements in 12 groups (5 ED lens elements and 1 super ED lens element)
MagnificationUp to 4x (angle of view equivalent to that of approx. 12000 mm lens in 35 mm [135] format); Up to 3.6x when recording movies with 2160/30p (4K UHD) or 2160/25p (4K UHD)